Offering a peaceful transition for your loved one

As an End-of-Life Doula, I assist hospice patients as they are transitioning or actively dying

What is an End-of-Life Doula?

End-of-Life Doulas (EOLDs) provide non-medical, holistic support and comfort to the dying person and their family, which may include education and guidance as well as emotional, spiritual or practical care.  The End-of-Life Doula works with the hospice team to fill in gaps with hospice care.

The subject of death is not an easy topic to discuss, yet it is something that will happen to every one of us.  I invite you to begin discussions about death and dying while your loved one can still make choices and plans. 

It is my goal to facilitate a peaceful death and dying process.  Fear of dying is one of the top two major fears that most of us share.  By providing education on Advance Directives, Palliative and Hospice care and what the dying process may look like, together we can begin to coordinate making sure all appropriate legal documents, medical powers of attorney, trusts and wills are established or updated to the patient’s approval.

I work closely with the Primary Caregiver in addition to the patient.  I find that most hospice medical staff don’t have enough time to spend with their patients.  I can help fill in those timing gaps by providing any combination of socialization, respite relief, comfort touch massage, grounding meditations, sound healing therapy, reflexology and Reiki.  

Each patient, case, and family are unique.  In hospice, there is very little that can be controlled, but where possible, I try to allow the patient to choose what they want to experience in their final days and hours, and what happens to them after death.  I want my patients to know that they are in charge.

Overview of Services Provided:

Advance Directives Planning

Vigil Planning

Comprehensive Holistic Support

Community Education 

Final Wishes Planning

Socialization & Companion Care

Respite Support

Comfort Touch Massage

Education & Resources

Medical Advocacy

And, so much more